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Lindale ISD Education Foundation Awards over $10,000 in Classroom Grants


Dozens of people stepped off the Lindale ISD Spirit Bus and flooded the hallways of four Lindale campuses for the Lindale ISD Education Foundation 2017 Grant Patrol. The drum rolls, the horns sound, and more than 15 teachers open their doors to a large check. After months of anticipation, the teachers are told, with much fanfare, their project will be funded!


"Grant Patrol day is the day we, as Lindale ISD Education Foundation board members, administrators, teachers, and students look so forward to each spring,” said Lindale ISD Education Foundation Board President Vickie Frazier. “To work and invest in such a great cause is very rewarding, but to see the students' and teachers' faces when the band members, balloons, flowers, and BIG checks reach their doorway is amazing! We are also very thankful to our donors who make this possible every year." 


The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization that provides funds for classroom projects and programs not funded or under-funded by the district’s operating budget.  The foundation is supported through the donations from individuals, businesses and corporations.   


The Lindale ISD Education Foundation awarded a total of $10,700 Thursday, March 23rd to Lindale ISD classrooms. The foundation began awarding grants in November 2009.  Since the first grant cycle, the foundation has awarded $253,677.89 to LISD classrooms for over 75 projects.


Grant applications are submitted to the foundation by LISD teachers and aides for projects or programs that go above the day-to-day curriculum and offer students an enriched and unique learning experience.  Projects selected for funding are rated on a number of criteria including the innovation of the project.


“As a non-profit foundation, we are blessed by our donors and the Lindale community to be able to fund so many innovative projects that will truly help our students excel beyond the classroom,” said Lauren Loyless, Executive Director of the Lindale ISD Education Foundation.


Spring 2017 projects receiving funds include:


Extreme 3D Design! $2,841.13  

It’s a bird! A plane! A real 3D object…from a printer?  3D printing’s technology shows promise as a rapid prototyping and production tool, providing students with the ability to touch, hold, and even take home an accurate model.  Children desire to explore and try new things and at times may be held back by the fear of failure. 3D printing replaces that fear with opportunities to experience trial and error which empowers students with new levels of thinking and problem solving. Imagine the possibilities in robotics class where students can create parts to better help them complete a task or have their invention prototypes come to life.  Student engagement would sky rocket and production levels would soar!


“Buddy Bench” Where Little Eagle Learn to Soar! $2,471.76  

The playground can be an intimidating place to be if you are a young child.  Or even worse you could be dealing with a bully and need a “buddy” to help you out.  The purpose of a “Buddy Bench” is to help students develop conflict resolution skills, celebrate students who act with compassion and remove the stigma of asking for help.  This simple idea is to eliminate loneliness and foster friendships on the playground.  The “Buddy Bench” can help Little Eagles Soar and spread the message of inclusion and kindness.


An EGGcellent Adventure! $1,274.95  

Are you ready for an EGGciting adventure? An EGGcellent Adventure is a project-based learning experience in which students will get to witness the emersion of a fully developed baby chick from an egg. Using a classroom incubator and literature about eggs and the chicken lifecycle, students will learn about the parts of an egg and about incubation and embryonic development as part of the current 4th grade science curriculum. With the teacher's help, students will be able to create, conduct investigations, and collect data related to the incubation process.


Awesome with OSMO! $4,140.00  

There is no better way to engage a 6 year old than with technology and when you combine that technology with games learning is sure to take place. The Osmo is an innovative device that transforms an iPad into an interactive classroom accessory able to add a level of excitement that engages students in the learning process.  Our ECC Kindergarteners are fortunate to have this in place this year due to a grant and we believe that carrying this learning through 1st grade will be beneficial to all of our students.  Words, Numbers and Creative Problem Solving skills will come alive in front of our kid’s eyes!


Photos by: Sidney Walker, LHS Yearbook

Memberships & Honors 

The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a proud member of the Texas Education Foundation Network. The Foundation website is a proud recipient of a 2015 Gold TSPRA STAR Award. The Foundation Annual Report is a proud recipient of a 2023 Bronze TSPRA STAR Award.


© 2024 by Lindale ISD Education Foundation

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