Lindale ISD Education Foundation
It's Heart Work...

Lindale ISD Education Foundation Awards more than $25,000 in Classroom Grants in 2019
The Lindale ISD Education Foundation has awarded $25,540.62 to 7 Lindale ISD teachers at 5 campuses. The money will be used to purchase new and innovative tools for classrooms. Funds provided by the Foundation will directly benefit students in the Lindale Independent School District and will make a positive difference for them.
“The Lindale ISD Education Foundation’s purpose is to support our teachers by funding innovative, creative and engaging teaching methods,” said Vickie Frazier, Lindale ISD Education Foundation board president. “We are excited to support such incredible teachers that go above and beyond to create imaginative teaching methods for our students. We are also very grateful for our donors, businesses and community that believe in our vision and continue to support it. This year’s grants are incredible and we can’t wait to see them in action.”
The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization that provides funds for classroom projects and programs not funded or under-funded by the district’s operating budget. The foundation is supported through the donations from individuals, businesses and corporations.
The Education Foundation began awarding grants in November 2009. Since the first grant cycle, the Foundation has awarded $315,076.28 to LISD classrooms for more than 80 projects.
Grant applications are submitted to the foundation by LISD teachers and aides for projects or programs that go above the day-to-day curriculum and offer students an enriched and unique learning experience. Projects selected for funding are rated on a number of criteria including the innovation of the project.
“We are so thankful for our donors and the Lindale community who make all of this possible,” said Courtney Sanguinetti, executive director of the LISD Education Foundation. “These students deserve a chance to excel beyond the classroom and the projects funded by the Education Foundation help to do just that. Our teachers’ dedication to our kids and school district is what makes LISD one of the best.”
Spring 2019 projects receiving funds include:
Education Foundation grant for $1,043 to fund a Better Vision for a Brighter Future!
ClassVR (virtual reality) will open up the world to students, giving them countless opportunities to go on field trips anywhere in the world. ClassVR's innovative technology lets students feel as if they were actually inside their skeletal system or swimming with ocean life. ClassVR tears down school walls and innovatively gives our students the world to explore during this formative period of their lives.
Education Foundation grant for $4,865.58 to fund My World's Spinning 'Round n' 'Round!
Implementation of the Vernier Centripetal Force Apparatus will increase AP Physics 1 & 2 test scores resulting in more college credit awarded. Students will be provided the opportunity to be actively engaged in small groups seeing, analyzing and understanding circular and rotational motion, furthering their conceptual understanding and ability to solve problems related to these two important topics.
Education Foundation grant for $7,100 to fund Fungoman!
The purpose of the Fungoman is to gain an advantage on coaching athletes in a closer proximity. By utilizing the Fungoman, coaches will be allowed to coach players and campers with full focus as opposed to coaching and focusing on making a proper hit with their fungo bat. This tool can benefit both the Lindale Baseball & Softball programs, during the school years and for summer camps. Student-athletes and campers will see greater increase in skills and instruction from the use of this implementation. Various schools and programs, at all levels of baseball and softball, benefit greatly from the use of the Fungoman.
Education Foundation grant for $7,906.94 to fund the Shape of Things to Come !
From 1-3 grade, new concepts are introduced in geometry with which students struggle. Having hands-on manipulatives will enable students to connect vocabulary (faces, vertices, edges & sides) to real objects in front of them. The manipulatives will be used in whole group introduction lessons, small group re-teach lessons and independent student stations throughout the year. Each student will have a set of small geometric shapes.
Education Foundation grant for $2,451.60 to fund Tools of the Trade for 3rd Grade!
This project is the purchase of 12 tool kits to be used by 3rd grade reading, resource and intervention teachers. The project will be implemented during small groups and whole group reading times to help with reading comprehension. Also, teachers will be able to use this resource during lesson planning to guide their instruction.
Education Foundation grant for $743.30 to fund Learning While You Play!
Playing math games can be a fun, developmentally appropriate way to spark the understanding of big mathematical concepts. We live in a time where children are being handed some type of electronic device to entertain themselves, therefore they are missing out on not only the social aspect that playing a board game can provide, but also on the math concepts that many games help to teach children. Math games can help support children's mathematical minds and school readiness skill, such as problem solving, perserverance and critical thinking.
Education Foundation grant for $1,428.20 to fund Magnet Mania!
Magnet Mania! is an exciting and innovative project that helps 4th grade scientists gain knowledge and understanding of the force of magnetism with exciting activities and experiments which include classifying magnetic and non-magnetic materials. Those materials attract and repel magnetic force through solids and they show how compasses react to a magnetic field.