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What is the Lindale ISD Education Foundation?

Mission Statement 

The mission of the Lindale ISD Education Foundation is to create and sustain a visionary coalition of businesses and citizens generating investments and funding for innovative programs and initiatives that enrich and inspire educational and leadership opportunities that will benefit the students and teachers of Lindale ISD.


The Foundation will achieve its mission by directing resources toward the following goals:


  • Encourage all students to work to their highest potential

  • Support staff for innovative efforts

  • Recognize staff for exemplary teaching

  • Build community awareness for the Lindale ISD Education Foundation

  • Inspire parents, community and businesses to participate with the school district in enriching education

Who We Are

The Lindale ISD Education Foundation:


  • is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit tax exempt-philanthropic organization of citizens

  • shares a vision of enhancing education in Lindale ISD

  • works to increase private support for educational activities in Lindale ISD

  • benefits Lindale ISD students and staff personnel by supporting activities not funded by tax dollars

  • fosters creative approaches to education through private grants and involvement

  • awards Foundation funds through a volunteer Board of Directors made up of business, community and educational leaders


The Lindale Independent School District has developed a quality educational program that provides students with enrichment, acceleration and attention to special needs.   Sustaining excellent educational programs and services requires technology, laboratories, cultural experiences, up-to-date occupational and technical equipment, resource materials and, primarily, outstanding teachers.  Meeting the current and future educational needs of all students so that they may be productive citizens of tomorrow does require a substantial investment.


Teacher salaries need to be high enough to attract the best candidates to the field, as well as attract the best professionals to a district that values quality.


Functional, well-maintained facilities are needed to house resources and programs that serve students.


Equipment and technology must be purchased, adapted and maintained for students to develop skills and knowledge for the 21st Century.


Staff development must be provided to enable teachers to remain informed, to improve their own skills, and become more effective.


In the state’s economy, most school districts no longer have discretionary funds for services and activities that exceed minimum needs and requirements.  The situation calls for finding new resources to assist in building and increasing excellence.


For that reason, the Lindale ISD Education Foundation was created.

Our Purpose

The Lindale ISD Education Foundation provides a new and innovative source of funding to support the school district’s educational plan.  The Foundation does not attempt to replace lost state funding, nor does it attempt to take the place of the district’s operating budget.  When considering the level of funding required to educate students, the Foundation can expect only to provide funds for those projects and activities that go beyond the normal classroom experience.  Such initiatives WILL provide enrichment, research opportunities, training, intervention and prevention strategies and extend the educational effort.  Funds provided by the Foundation will directly benefit students in the Lindale Independent School District and will make a positive difference for them.  Donations will remain in the school district and thus benefit the entire community through an investment in education and quality of life.


In placing an emphasis on creating a perpetual source of funding, a percent of all undesignated contributions will be set aside as an endowment.  As this endowment grows, it will eventually provide a secure source of educational funds for funding programs from interest earned on invested capital, keeping the endowment intact.  Remaining contributions will fund a variety of innovative programs and projects initiated by teachers and administrators at the campus and district levels.


The Foundation’s plan calls for development of ongoing annual activities and projects that involve the entire community of staff, families, businesses and organizations to build a broader base of funding and a higher level of support for the school district.  Ways to contribute include:


  • Planned giving

  • Annual support

  • Endowment gifts

  • Pledges

  • Gifts in-kind

  • Matched giving

  • Memorials and tributes

  • Estate Planning

2023-24 Board of Directors

Courtney Sanguinetti- Executive Director, Gay Pyland- President, Glenn Davis- President Elect, Kerrie Covert- Treasurer, Penni Jordan- Secretary


Don Achziger, Regan Brandon, Pollianne Smith, John Driver, Pollianne Smith, Robbie Lyons, Barbara Wilson, Vicki Thrasher, Judy Burleson, Karla Richardson, Mike Barker, Stan Surratt, Ex-Officio, Mike Combs, Ex-Officio

Memberships & Honors 

The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a proud member of the Texas Education Foundation Network. The Foundation website is a proud recipient of a 2015 Gold TSPRA STAR Award. The Foundation Annual Report is a proud recipient of a 2023 Bronze TSPRA STAR Award.


© 2024 by Lindale ISD Education Foundation

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