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 Foundation Programs            

The Performing ACT's

An annual stage performance sponsored by Cooperative Teachers Credit Union for LISD at the Performing Arts Center with students from each district campus participating. Schedule includes student musical talent, prose speakers, fine arts performances, student vocalists and soloists from every LISD campus. 


Proceeds from the fine arts ticketed showcase will benefit the Lindale ISD Education Foundation.


Academic Excellence Banquet

Each May, the Foundation hosts the Academic Excellence Recognition Banquet honoring the top ten 

graduating seniors and the LISD teachers the students select as the most influential in their educational 



The Lindale ISD Education Foundation would like to thank the following 2021 banquet table sponsors:
Robbie Lyons & Suanne Rouse, American State Bank, Don & Mary Achziger, Dr. Kim and Bob Nimon, D&H Quality Cabinets, HAWL Kiwanis, Texas Bank & Trust, Southside Bank, Barbara Wilson and Judy Burleson



Cornerstone Club

The Cornerstone Club is a significant part of fundraising supporting the Lindale ISD Education Foundation. LISD’s educators and staff volunteer to give through payroll deductions or through one-time gifts by becoming members of The Cornerstone Club.


Benefits of The Cornerstone Club Membership:

Campus Recognition! Each Cornerstone Club member will be given a corner for their classroom door that will highlight that they are contributors to the Lindale ISD Education Foundation.



Honor Roll

The Foundation created the LISD staff peer-nominated award to be given in the spring semester of the school year. The goal of the Honor Roll is to recognize the often unsung heroes of LISD, who approach their job with 100 percent commitment and effort and are true champions for education. Honorees are nominated by other LISD Staff members for the award.

John and Peggy Kirton Drama Scholarship 
A scholarship fund for LHS theater students started by John and Peggy Kirton.  The Kirton's put nearly $60,000 in the hands of the Lindale ISD Education Foundation to create an endowment that would impact the high school’s drama department for years to come. The endowment establishes a $1,000 scholarship to be awarded to four drama students annually for 12 years. The scholarship will total $4,000 each year. The remaining money has been donated to the foundation to award innovative grants for classroom projects.
Grants for Great Ideas

Grants for Great Ideas is an innovative approach to help supply LISD educators with resources to increase student performance and achievement.


Some of the projects funded included technology to improve fluency in elementary and special education 

students, state-of-the art probes for high school science labs, forensic science tools, and projects to help 

struggling students understand math concepts.


Visit our Facebook Page to see this year's grant patrol!


Lindale ISD Alumni Association

The Foundation organized an all-class, all-year alumni association to provide opportunities for alumni to share in current activities in Lindale ISD; receive and share information through newsletters; create an online database organized by graduating class for alumni to reconnect; and to enhance activities at class reunions.  Each year the association will honor a Lindale High School graduate whose achievements,
accomplishments, and citizenship serve as models to inspire and motivate today’s students with the
Distinguished Alumni Award.  A current or former LISD educator is honored with the Distinguished
Service Award.



Memberships & Honors 

The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a proud member of the Texas Education Foundation Network. The Foundation website is a proud recipient of a 2015 Gold TSPRA STAR Award. The Foundation Annual Report is a proud recipient of a 2023 Bronze TSPRA STAR Award.


© 2024 by Lindale ISD Education Foundation

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